CarPlay Activation BMW
1-Series F20/F21 07/2016 – present
2-Series F22 07/2016 – present
3-Series F30/F31/F34/F80 07/2016 – present
4-Series F32/F33/F36 07/2016 – present
5-Series G30/G31/G38 10/2016 – present
6-Series F06/F12/F13 07/2016 – present
6-Series G32 07/2017 – present
7-Series G11/G12/G13 07/2016 – present
X3 F25 07/2016 – present
X3 G01 11/2017 – present
X4 F26 07/2016 – present
X5 F15/F85 07/2016 – present
X6 F16/F86 07/2016 – present
If your vehicle is running the following NBTevo versions it will only allow half screen CarPlay
NBTevo_H ➡️ NBT_M
Good news is we can update your firmware so you can get full screen CarPlay which is £150 including Wi-Fi antenna fitting.
If your vehicle is running the following NBTevo versions it will allow full screen CarPlay (NBTevo_N Onwards)
Good news is we can activate full screen CarPlay for £90 including Wi-Fi antenna fitting.